2022/2023 CEP Application Form

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Source Information

How did you come to know about this Application? *

Personal Information

Title *
Specify other title *
Surname *
First name *
Other name
Gender *
Date of birth *
Marital status *
Nationality *
State/Prov. of origin *
LGA/Distr. of origin *


Email *
Mobile/Phone Number *
Occupation *
Contact Address *

Name and Address of Spouse (or Parent/Guardian if not married)

Spouse full name *
Spouse Contacts *

Course/Programme applying for

Department *
Course/Programme *

Advance Certificate

Institution Attended
Certificate Number
Certificate Year

O'Level Results (First Sitting)

Examination Name *
Registration Number *
Examination Year
Subject(s) *
Grade(s) *

Combined O'Level Results (Second Sitting)

Examination Name
Registration Number
Examination Year

Fee Payment Method

Payment Method *

Passport *

I Do hereby agree to:

  1. Observe and conform to all the rules and regulations of the university
  2. Pay for any damage done by me to any facility of the University
  3. Forfeit all my fees in the event that I withdraw from the university or that I am asked to withdraw as a result of any misconduct on my part.
  4. Give all devotion to my academic programme.

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Form number *
Access Code *


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